Friday, January 28, 2011

New Pictures

Jordan is still in Manvel but is likely to get transfered in a couple of weeks so I will post his new area and companion when I know something.  As for news, Jordan has been seeing double vision in his bad eye and had minor surgery done on it to remove calcium.  He didn't say anything in the last letter about it so hopefully it's getting better.  I know his mission president and he companion gave him a blessing and it sounds like that helped him out a lot.  OK so here are the pictures we've been asking for for the last four months.

Jordan and Elder Bayles his trainer.

In his room.  This is in a members home.

Jordan and Elder Bayles doing the Lord's work.
Jordan and Elder Bayles on a mission from God

Jordan, Santa and Elder Andreason

Jordan and 6'11'' Elder Bullock

Another comparison picture.

Their room.

Jordan and Elder Bayles a the Houston temple.

Jordan's district.  Those from Hillcrest will recognize Elder Jones

The Houston Temple
There is a funny story for me that goes along with the Houston Temple.  I was working for the Church as a contractor and remember seeing a painting of a temple someone was holding in the elevator.  I asked the man holding the painting what temple it was, he said he couldn't tell me that it would be announced at conference that weekend.  The picture I was so interested is was of the Houston Temple, which they did announce that conference.  To me it seems a little ironic.  To everyone else, it's just the typically psychopathic behavior I'm always manifesting.